Antique English early Victorian ( 1840s ) bow fronted Mahogany Chest of Drawers.


Antique English early Victorian ( 1840s ) bow fronted Mahogany Chest of Drawers.


This is a very good high quality genuine antique English early / mid 1800s bow fronted Chest of Drawers in Mahogany and is of excellent proportions..

Bow fronted Chests of drawers were more difficult to make than an easier straight fronted chest so much fewer were made as they were more expensive to commission or purchase.

The chest top has a complex stepped and curved edge molding as one would expect with this quality. The case itself and all of the four full width stacked and graduated drawers are finished in selected and matched decorative ‘flame ‘ Mahogany which was a prestigious timber sought after and imported from the Central Americas.

The top drawer is interesting as there actually appears to be five drawers to the chest however the top drawer is extra deep as the shallow drawer with the feature light finished timber is in fact a faux drawer. This is rather clever as you don’t have to bend over to put the heaviest bulky items in the lower drawer. All drawers have pairs of ‘mushroom’ shaped turned drawer pull knobs and are complete with the original brass keyhole escutcheon and drawer locks. Between all the drawers instead of the usual vertical flat drawer divider is a decorative raised half rounded molding and behind that molding are full depth dividers or dust catchers between each drawer so each drawer is sealed within its own section.

The chest even comes with its original key which is very rare these days.

The whole is supported on a platform base with four very nicely turned and tapered corner positioned feet.

Size: Width 110cm x Depth 59cm x Height 125cm.

Condition: Very good virtually original condition with only slight signs of having lived a life commensurate with age and use. The drawers all operate properly as they should as the runners are in excellent condition. The polish is the original hand French polish and will wax up very nicely.

Price: In very good to excellent as is condition should be much more but say $1,685.

Sellers Observation: An excellent quality Chest of Drawers of very good proportions and excellent style and includes a feature with the top drawer.

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