Antique English William III / Queen Anne Oak panelled and carved lidded Coffer circa 1700

Antique English William III / Queen Anne Oak panelled and carved lidded Coffer circa 1700
This is a lovely example of a genuine and rustic country Antique English William III (William of Orange) Queen Anne Coffer.
Made from solid cuts of English Oak this jointed coffer features a three recessed panel lid and a two paneled front with carved Gilloche pattern to the top rail, groves and channels to the bottom rail, end vertical styles and centre muntin. The two recessed front panels have Celtic carved motifs while the end panels are plain.
Excellent original aged condition and with good patina.
Width 119 cm x Depth 53 cm x Height 60 cm.
Price: was $4,500 now reduced to $3,850.
Sellers Observation: This is a very good one and by repute was purchased from the then prestigious David Jones antique Department on the 7th floor Elizabeth Street store in the late 1970s